Acey, Duecy, One Eyed Jack is a variation of Five Card Draw. This basic game has no restrictions on the cards needed to open or win, and designates all Aces, Deuces (Twos) and One Eyed Jacks as wild cards. Consequently, the format offers considerable opportunity for “bluffing”. The object of the game is for the player to achieve the highest five card poker hand utilizing the wild cards as needed.
2-6 Players
Standard 52 Card Deck
Wild Cards in Play
Highest 5 Card Poker Hand Wins
Acey, Duecy, One Eyed Jack can be played by 2 to 6 players. To open the game each player antes 1 chip/25 points into the pot. Once the pot is set, Dealer deals the cards face down beginning with the player to Dealer’s left in a clockwise rotation one at a time until each player has five cards. Players may look at their cards, and the opening betting round starts (See betting etiquette) beginning with the player to Dealer's left. If everyone checks (passes) in this first betting round, then the pot remains. Otherwise, the pot increases by the sum of the bets for the round.
To open the game, each player antes 1 chip/25 points into the pot. 1st betting round starts as high as 1 chip/25 points but can go up as high as 100 points in increments of no higher than 25 points and can be raised a maximum of 3 times. Betting begins with the player to dealer's left. If everyone checks (passes) in this opening round of betting, the pot does not change. Otherwise, the pot increases by the sum of the bets for the round.
A second round of betting will open beginning with the first active player to dealer's left. The betting minimum and maximum allowed in the second betting round are double the amounts that were allowed in the opening round of betting. 2nd betting round starts as high as 2 chip/50 points but can go up as high as 200 points in increments of no higher than 50 points and can be raised a maximum of 3 times.
If more than one player remains in the game in the opening round of betting by placing a bet, active players have one opportunity to improve their hands by discarding up to 3 cards and obtaining replacement cards. Beginning with the nearest active player to Dealer's left, each active player, in turn, announces the number of cards to be replaced, discards that number of cards face down, and is dealt an equal number of cards face down by Dealer.
Because an active player can discard from zero to three cards, dealer should wait until a player has discarded the number of cards stated before starting to deal replacements. Players may choose to discard no cards and keep one's original hand. Naturally, it is in each player’s interest to wait for their turn, and not give away information in advance about which cards they are discarding or how many cards they intend to draw.
After all active players have had a chance to draw, a second round of betting will open beginning with the first active player to Dealer's left.
The betting minimum and maximum allowed in the second betting round are typically double the amounts that were allowed in the opening round of betting.
After the second betting round is finished, all remaining active players reveal their cards. The best hand according to five card poker ranking rules wins. As all Aces, Deuces, and One Eyed Jacks are wild cards, five-of-a-kind is possible in this game and is the highest ranked hand. In case of a tie, the pot is split evenly to the winners.
Five Card Draw (known by some as California Draw) is one of the oldest forms of poker. This basic game has no restrictions on which cards are needed by a player in order to open or win. Consequently, the format offers considerable opportunity for “bluffing”. The object of the game is for a player to assemble the highest five card poker hand.
2-6 Players
Standard 52 Card Deck
Highest 5 Card Poker Hand Wins
Ante 1 chip/25pts
Five Card Draw can be played by 2 to 6 players. To open the game, each player antes 1 chip/25 points into the pot. Once the pot is set, Dealer will deal cards face down in a clockwise rotation one at a time until each player has five cards. Players look at their cards, and there is a betting round (See betting etiquette below) that begins with the player to Dealer's left. If everyone checks (passes) in this opening round of betting, the pot does not change. Otherwise, the pot increases by the sum of the bets for the round.
To open the game, each player antes 1 chip/25 points into the pot. 1st betting round starts as high as 1 chip/25 points but can go up as high as 100 points in increments of no higher than 25 points and can be raised a maximum of 3 times. Betting begins with the player to dealer's left. If everyone checks (passes) in this opening round of betting, the pot does not change. Otherwise, the pot increases by the sum of the bets for the round.
A second round of betting will open beginning with the first active player to dealer's left. The betting minimum and maximum allowed in the second betting round are double the amounts that were allowed in the opening round of betting. 2nd betting round starts as high as 2 chip/50 points but can go up as high as 200 points in increments of no higher than 50 points and can be raised a maximum of 3 times.
If more than one player remains in the game after the opening round of betting by placing a bet, active players have one opportunity to improve their hands by discarding up to 3 cards and obtaining replacement cards. Beginning with the nearest active player to Dealer's left, each active player, in turn, announces the number of cards to be replaced, discards that number of cards face down, and is dealt an equal number of cards face down by Dealer.
Because an active player can discard from zero to three cards, Dealer should wait until a player has discarded the number of cards stated before starting to deal replacements. Players may choose to discard no cards at all and keep one's original hand. Naturally, it is in each player’s interest to wait for their turn, and not give away information in advance about which cards they are discarding or how many cards they intend to draw.
After all active players have had a chance to draw, a second round of betting will open beginning with the first active player to Dealer's left.
The betting minimum and maximum allowed in the second betting round are double the amounts that were allowed in the opening round of betting.
After the second betting round is finished, all remaining active players will reveal their cards. The best hand, according to 5 card poker ranking rules, wins. In the case of tie, the pot is split evenly to the winners.
Kings and Low Man is a variation of Five Card Draw. This basic game has no restrictions on the cards needed to open or win, and designates all Kings and lowest denomination cards as wild cards. Aces are considered high and not used as a 1. Consequently, the format offers considerable opportunity for “bluffing”. The object of the game is for the player to achieve the highest Five Card Poker hand utilizing the wild cards as needed.
2-6 Players
Standard 52 Card Deck
Wild Cards in Play
Highest 5 Card Poker Hand Wins
Kings and Low Man is played by 2 to 6 players. To open the game, everyone antes 1 chip/25 points into the pot. Once the pot is set, Dealer deals the cards face down in a clockwise rotation, beginning with the player to the left, one at a time until each player has five cards. Players may look at their cards, and the first betting round starts (See betting etiquette) with the player immediately to Dealer's left. If everyone checks (passes) in this first betting round, then the pot remains. Otherwise, the pot increases by the sum of the bets for the round.
To open the game, each player antes 1 chip/25 points into the pot. 1st betting round starts as high as 1 chip/25 points but can go up as high as 100 points in increments of no higher than 25 points and can be raised a maximum of 3 times. Betting begins with the player to dealer's left. If everyone checks (passes) in this opening round of betting, the pot does not change. Otherwise, the pot increases by the sum of the bets for the round.
A second round of betting will open beginning with the first active player to dealer's left. The betting minimum and maximum allowed in the second betting round are double the amounts that were allowed in the opening round of betting. 2nd betting round starts as high as 2 chip/50 points but can go up as high as 200 points in increments of no higher than 50 points and can be raised a maximum of 3 times. .
If more than one player remains in the game after the opening round of betting by placing a bet, active players have one opportunity to improve their hands by discarding up to 3 cards and obtaining replacements. Beginning with the nearest active player to Dealer's left, each active player in turn announces the number of cards to be replaced, discards that number of cards face down, and is dealt an equal number of cards face down by Dealer.
Because an active player can discard from zero to three cards, Dealer should wait until a player has discarded the number of cards stated before starting to deal replacements. Players may choose to discard no cards and keep one's original hand. Naturally, it is in each player’s interest to wait for their turn, and not give away information in advance about which cards they are discarding or how many cards they intend to draw.
After all active players have had a chance to draw, there is a second round of betting, begun by the first active player to the dealer's left.
After the second betting round is finished, all remaining active players reveal their cards. All 5 cards must me revealed. The best hand according to five card poker ranking rules wins. As all Kings and lowest denomination card are wild cards, 5-of-a- kind is possible in this game and is the highest ranked hand. In case of a tie, the pot is split evenly to the winners. Ex. A-3-3-7-9 = 3 Aces….. Q-10-K-2-2 = 4 Qs
Although the card game Golf is popular in North America, Britain, and other English speaking countries, it is seldom found in card game books. The object of Golf is to achieve the low score, as in the sport of golf.
2-6 Players
Standard 52 Card Deck
Low Score Wins
Golf is played with a standard 52-card deck. Four cards are arranged in a square in front of each player, and players improve their scores by drawing new cards to replace unwanted cards that are discarded. Each deal is seen as the equivalent of a hole of golf.
Golf is a card game for 2 - 6 players. The game opens once everyone antes 100 points/4 chips into the pot. Dealer deals four cards face down in a clockwise rotation, one at a time to each player. Each player then arranges their cards, without looking at them, face down in a square. The remaining un-dealt cards are placed face-down in the center of the table to form a drawing stock. The top card of the drawing stock is turned face up and placed beside the stock to start the discard pile. Before play begins, each player may look once at the two nearest cards of his or her square layout, without showing them to anyone else. These two cards must be put back in the square formation without adjusting for an advantage. The layout cards may not be looked at again until they are discarded during play or scored at the end of play.
The player to the dealer's left begins, and the turn to play passes clockwise. Each player will either draw the top card of the face down stock, or draw the top discard.
A player may use the drawn card to replace one of the four cards of the layout, but is not allowed to look at any of the layout cards before deciding which to replace. The player will then place the drawn card face up in the layout and discard the card that previously occupied that position, putting it face up on top of the discard pile. It is then the next player's turn.
If a player draws a card from the stock and decides not to use it in the layout, the player will simply discard the drawn card face up on the discard pile and turn one of the original cards in the layout face up. However, if a player chooses to draw from the discard pile, they must use it to replace one of their layout cards, placing it face up. A player may not simply put the card back on the discard pile, leaving the situation as it was. Whenever a layout card is replaced, the new card is placed face up. Any card that is face up in the layout cannot be replaced again.
Note that if a player looks at any face down card in the layout, that card must be discarded and replaced with the card drawn. There is no way to check the value of a face down card and leave it in place.
At the end of each “hole” (deal), each player's square of four cards will be turned face up (if not already face-up) and scored as follows:
Each numeral card scores face value (Ace=1, Two=2, etc.)
Each Jack or Queen scores 10
Each King scores zero
Each pair scores zero
Three-of-a-kind is zero (account for the pair) minus face value of the same denomination card. All face cards are 10 points, except Kings, which score zero. (Example: 3-3-3-K would be -3 score)
The player who has the lowest cumulative score wins. Winner takes the pot. In the case of a tie, everyone re-antes 100 points/4 chips and another round is played by all players. All scores are zero at start of second game.
House Rules
Basic Etiquette:
In order to ensure the integrity of all games, no language in any form other than verbalized English may be used while gaming playing or observing play. We reserve the right to exclude anyone, whether a player or an observer, from the game or game area for violating this requirement.
A player may not use any electronic devices while they are seated at table.
Management will decide the limit of games and when to start or close a game.
Cash is not permitted on the tables. All cash must be converted into chips prior to the start of a hand.
One player per hand and one hand per player.
Discussion regarding the hand in progress is not allowed by players or observers.
The house has the right to prohibit any two players from playing at the same table.
Decision of Management is final.
The Deal
Since in most poker games the dealer has a positional advantage, the first dealer is chosen at random. One of the players deals cards face up one at a time from a shuffled deck and the dealer is the first player who receives a Jack.
When joining table, each player must contribute 1 chip to the leader board fund, and each time player deals. Before each deal, some or all players must place an initial stake in the pot as agreed known as the ante. The dealer then shuffles the cards thoroughly and offers them to the player to the right to cut if desired. If this player declines to cut, any other player may cut. When the cards are cut, each portion of the pack must contain at least five cards.
Note: The position of the dealer is often marked by a token called the dealer button which is passed to the left after each hand. In a formal game, for example in a casino or tournament, the house will normally provide a professional dealer who does not play, but shuffles and deals every hand on behalf of the player with the dealer button. In this case, often there is no cut. The dealer also looks after the pot and the discards, and generally makes sure that the game proceeds smoothly and the rules are observed. When poker is played on line, the virtual cards are of course shuffled and dealt by the server computer. In what follows, "dealer" means the player who currently has the dealer button, irrespective of who actually deals the cards.
The cards are dealt as required by the rules of the particular variant being played. In casinos,
At various points during or after the deal there will be a betting round. The details of when these betting rounds occur depend on the variant being played, but the principles are always the same. During the betting round all dealing, exchange of cards, etc. is suspended, and the players have an opportunity to increase their bets.
Problems with the deal
Under strict rules, any error in the initial deal, such as giving too many or too few cards to any player, dealing an extra hand or missing out a player who should have been dealt a hand, omitting the shuffle or cut or exposing cards counts as a misdeal, provided that it is pointed out before there has been significant action. In this case the cards are thrown in, the shuffle and cut are repeated and the cards are redealt by the same dealer.
If a player misdeals more twice, the deal passes to the next player.
After significant action has taken place, the cards can no longer be redealt. Players should check at the start that they have the right number of cards. A player who has the wrong number of cards at the showdown cannot win the pot.
Hand protection
Players are responsible not only for making sure that they have the right number of cards, but also for ensuring that their concealed cards cannot be seen by any other player or observer, and that their cards are kept separate from any common table cards and especially from the discard pile or "muck". The strict rule is that any hand that touches the muck is dead and the owner can no longer win the pot. In fact "mucking" a hand by placing it in contact with the discard pile is a commonly used as a method of folding.
Exposed cards
Players must not deliberately expose cards that are meant to be concealed. Any card accidentally shown to any player (either from the deck or another player's hand) must immediately be shown to all players.
The Showdown
In theory this is simple.
If all players except one have folded there is no showdown. The single surviving player simply takes the pot without having to show any cards.
If there is more than one active player at the end, they all show their cards to everyone, and the holder of the best hand (according to the hand ranking explained below) wins the whole pot.
If two or more active players turn out to have equally good hands, beating all the others, they share the contents of the pot equally between them or all players are redealt and game continues according to game rules
In practice some complications can arise.
Some players are reluctant to be the first to show their cards: they would prefer to wait to see the other players' hands and then show their own cards only if they can win. To avoid a stalemate between such players, the rule is that the player who was the last to take positive action (bet or raise) in the final betting round must show first, followed by the other active players in clockwise order. If everyone checked in the last betting round, the first active player to the left of the dealer seat shows first. Despite this rule, to speed up the game, active players are encouraged to show their cards immediately rather than waiting for their turn.
In a showdown, players showing a hand must expose the whole of their hand. It is not sufficient to show just enough cards to prove that one has a good enough hand to win, and not just the five cards that are being used to make one's best hand. In the showdown, players must show all the cards they were dealt, all at once, so that everyone at the table can see what they have.
Players who expose their hands quite often also announce what type of hand they have, but in some cases a player may overlook some combination and announce a weaker hand than he or she really has. This would be unlikely to happen in a straightforward game with five-card hands, but in variants where players select the best hand from seven or more cards, or where wild cards are involved, it is not uncommon for some better possibility to be missed. In formal poker games the usual rule is that "the cards speak for themselves". This means that when a player's hand is exposed at the showdown, it counts as the best five-card hand that can be made from it, even if the owner of the hand does not find it.
It is the duty of the dealer or any other player who notices, to point out what the best hand is, and it is treated as such, irrespective of how the owner described it. It is ultimately the player’s responsibility to know the hand ranking of their cards. Once pot has been distributed, know recall of hand rank. In some private games, however, the reverse rule is used: that players must declare what their hand is, and provided that the hand they declare can be made from the cards shown, that is how it is treated even if a better hand was available.
Some players prefer to muck (discard) their cards without showing them when they can see that they are beaten. This is normal practice, but the traditional rule is that any player who was dealt a hand, even a player who has folded, has the right to see the hand of any player who was involved in the showdown. The purpose of the rule is primarily to enable collusion between players to be exposed, and it is considered poor etiquette to insist on the right to see a discarded hand without good reason. In particular a player should not continually demand to see another player's hand so as to analyse that player's style of play or simply to irritate the player, and the winner of the pot should not ask to see a loser's hand. Formal poker games often have the rule that the right to see discarded hands at showdown can be revoked if overused by a player
No set of rules for poker covers every possible irregularity. Most try to cover the most common mishaps, and leave it to the house, or the dealer in a home game, to resolve other problems as fairly as possible with the minimum disruption to the game. Here are some general principles.
Significant Action
"Action" is a pass, bet, check, raise or fold by any player. If two or more players have acted, that constitutes "significant action". Once the initial cards have been dealt and significant action has taken place, the play must continue.
Action out of turn
Players must be careful not to indicate what their action (check, raise, fold, etc.) will be before their turn. If any player accidentally does this, then they are committed to take that action when their proper turn comes.
Cheating and collusion
Players must not advise one another, and non-players are not allowed to help the players in any way. Each player must play alone, in his or her own interest only. Playing in such a way as to help another player is known as collusion. It is considered a form of cheating and would be grounds for being expelled from a formal game.
In most variants the first betting round is begun by the player to the left of the dealer if all the players have placed an equal ante in the pot. If only some of the players have put chips in the pot - for example in a game played with blinds - then the round is begun by the player to the left of the player(s) who have already put in a stake. The second and subsequent betting rounds may, according to the variant, be begun by the nearest active player to the left of the dealer seat, or by a player determined by the action in the previous betting round. In variants where some cards are dealt face up, each betting round may begin with the player who has the best (or worst) hand showing.
The players act in clockwise order around the table, continuing for as many circuits as are necessary, missing any players who have dropped out, until all active players have had a turn and the stakes of all the active players are equal.
If no one has bet so far in the current betting round, and the value of chips contributed by all active players is equal, you have two options at your turn:
You do not wish to bet more chips at the moment, but you remain active and reserve the right to take part in future betting. In the first betting round, when all players have contributed an equal ante, players often say pass rather than check.
You bet some more chips by pushing them towards the pot. The amount must be between the minimum and maximum limits currently in force. The player who bets first in the first betting round is said to open the betting.
If you have fewer chips in the pot than some other player, either because there has been a bet in the current betting round, or in the first round when some of the players placed blinds, you have three options:
You drop out of the hand, discarding your cards face down onto a discard pile, which is known as the muck. No player is allowed to see the cards you discarded. You will take no further part until the next deal, and any chips you have placed in the pot are lost to the eventual winner of the pot.
In order to remain active, you match the latest bet or raise, but you do not try to increase it further. You push towards the pot enough chips so that your total contribution to the pot equals that of the player who last bet or raised.
You increase the bet by pushing towards the pot the amount that you would need to call plus the value of your raise. The value of your raise must be between the minimum and maximum limits.
The betting round ends when either all the active players check, or all the other active players call the last bet or raise, or there is only one active player remaining.
If only one active player remains, this player immediately wins the pot, and does not have to show his or her cards (except in a few variants that have a minimum hand requirement to win the pot). The deal is over, the cards are collected, and if the session is to continue the players ante for a new deal.
If more than one active player remains the game continues to the next stage - a continuation of the deal, an opportunity to exchange cards, or a showdown, according to the variant.
House Betting Standards
To open the game, each player antes 25 points/1 chip into the pot, 1st betting round starts as high as 25 points/1 chip but can go up as high as 100 points/4 chips in increments of no higher than 25 points/1 chip and can be raised a maximum of 3 times that begins with the player to Dealer's left. If everyone checks (passes) in this opening round of betting, the pot does not change. Otherwise, the pot increases by the sum of the bets for the round.
Example A ante 25 points/1chip
1st round of betting
1st player bets 25
2nd player calls 25 raises 25 total 50
3rd player calls 50 raises 25 total 75
4th player calls 75 raises 25 total 100
No more raises allowed
1st player calls 100 and puts in an additional 75
2nd player calls 100 and puts in an additional 50
3rd player calls 100 and puts in an additional 25
Total points each active player has in pot is 125 including ante
A second round of betting will open beginning with the first active player to Dealer's left. The betting minimum and maximum allowed in the second betting round are double the amounts that were allowed in the opening round of betting. 2nd betting round starts as high as 50 points/2 chips but can go up as high as 200 points/8 chips in increments of no higher than 50 points/2 chips and can be raised a maximum of 3 times.
2nd round of betting
1st player bets 50 points/2 chips
2nd player calls 50 points/2 chips - raises 50 points/2 chips - totaling 100 points/4 chips
3rd player calls 100 points/4 chips - raises 50 points/2 chips - totaling 150 points/6 chips
4th player calls 150 points/6 chips - raises 50 points/2 chips - totaling 200 points/8 chips
No more raises allowed
1st player calls 200 points and puts in an additional 150 points/6 chips
2nd player calls 200 points and puts in an additional 100 points/4 chips
3rd player calls 200 points and puts in an additional 50 points/2 chips
Total points each active player has in pot is 325 points/13 chips including ante
Example B ante 25 points/1 chip
1st round of betting
1st player bets 25 points/1 chip
2nd player calls 25 points/1 chip - raises 25 points/1 chip - totaling 50 points/2 chips
3rd player calls 50 points/2 chips - raises 25 points/1 chip - total 75 points/3 chips
4th player calls 75 points/3 chips - raises 25 points/1 chip - totaling 100 points/4 chips
No more raises allowed
1st player calls 100 points and puts in an additional 75 points/3 chips
2nd player calls 100 points and puts in an additional 50 points/2 chips
3rd player calls 100 points and puts in an additional 25 points/1 chips
Total points each active player has in pot is 125 points/5 chips including ante
2nd betting round
1st player has folded
2nd player checks
3rd player bets 50 points/2 chips
4th player calls 50 points/2 chips
5th player calls 50 points/2 chips - raises 25 points/1 chip - totaling 75 points/3chips
6th player calls 75 points/3 chips - raises 50 points/2 chips - totaling 125 points/5 chips
2nd player calls 125 points/5 chips - raises 50 points - totaling 175 points/7 chips
No more raises allowed
3rd player folds
4th player calls 175 points and puts in an additional 125 points/5 chips
5th player calls 175 points and puts in an additional 100 points/4 chips
6th player calls 175 points and puts in an additional 50 points/2 chips
Total points each active player has in pot 300 points/12 chips including ante
In practice, most betting rounds are much less eventful than this. Not infrequently one player will bet, all the others will fold, and that player will collect the pot, winning no more than the other players' antes.
It is important that at their turn players clearly state what they are doing, by saying "call", "raise", etc. or by making an unambiguous gesture of pushing chips towards the pot or discarding their cards. Having indicated what you are going to do you are not allowed to change your mind. In particular you must not make what is known as a "string raise": match the previous bet as though calling, pause to observe the reactions of the other players, and then add a raise.
When playing with table stakes it sometimes happens that a player wishing to call has insufficient chips to match the latest bet or raise. In such a case the player can call by putting in all his or her remaining chips. The player is then "all-in", and is entitled to take part in the showdown without contributing any further chips, but the amount that can be won from each opponent is limited to the value of chips that the "all in" player has contributed to the pot. To achieve this, the pot is split into two. The main pot consists of the chips contributed by each player, up to the amount put in by the "all-in" player. All excess chips form a side pot, from which the "all-in" player is excluded. If there is more than one active player who is not "all-in", they can continue placing bets in this side pot. If other players also go "all-in", further side pots will be created in the same way. For our purposes, all bets must be covered and no split pots allowed. Game will be paused to accommodate buying more chips.
Hand Ranking
There are 52 cards in the deck, and the ranking of the individual cards, from high to low, is ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. In standard poker game as normally played in North America - there is no ranking between the suits for the purpose of comparing hands - so for example the king of hearts and the king of spades are equal.
A poker hand consists of five cards. The categories of hand, from highest to lowest, are listed below. Any hand in a higher category beats any hand in a lower category (so for example any three of a kind beats any two pairs). Between hands in the same category the rank of the individual cards decides which is better, as described in more detail below.
In games where a player has more than five cards and selects five to form a poker hand, the remaining cards do not play any part in the ranking. Poker ranks are always based on five cards only, and if these cards are equal the hands are equal, irrespective of the ranks of any unused cards.
Some players may wonder why one would ever need to compare (say) two threes of a kind of equal rank. This obviously cannot arise in basic draw poker, but such comparisons are needed in poker games using shared (community) cards, such as Texas Hold'em, in poker games with wild cards, and in other card games using poker combinations.
5 Card Poker Hand Ranking
5 of a kind – possible when wild cards are in play
When playing with wild cards, five of a kind becomes the highest type of hand, beating a royal flush. Between fives of a kind, the higher beats the lower, five aces being highest of all.
Straight Flush
If there are no wild cards, this is the highest type of poker hand: five cards of the same suit in sequence - such as J-10-9-8-7. Between two straight flushes, the one containing the higher top card is higher. An ace can be counted as low, so 5-4-3-2-A is a straight flush, but its top card is the five, not the ace, so it is the lowest type of straight flush. The highest type of straight flush, A-K-Q-J-10 of a suit, is known as a Royal Flush. The cards in a straight flush cannot "turn the corner": 4-3-2-A-K is not valid.
Four of a kind
Four cards of the same rank - such as four queens. The fifth card, known as the kicker, can be anything. Between two fours of a kind, the one with the higher set of four cards is higher - so 3-3-3-3-A is beaten by 4-4-4-4-2. If two or more players have four of a kind of the same rank, the rank of the kicker decides. For example in Texas Hold'em with J-J-J-J-9 on the table (available to all players), a player holding K-7 beats a player holding Q-10 since the king beats the queen. If one player holds 8-2 and another holds 6-5 they split the pot, since the 9 kicker makes the best hand for both of them. If one player holds A-2 and another holds A-K they also split the pot because both have an ace kicker.
Full House
This combination, sometimes known as a boat, consists of three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank - for example three sevens and two tens (colloquially known as "sevens full of tens" or "sevens on tens"). When comparing full houses, the rank of the three cards determines which is higher. For example 9-9-9-4-4 beats 8-8-8-A-A. If the threes of a kind are equal, the rank of the pairs decides.
Five cards of the same suit. When comparing two flushes, the highest card determines which is higher. If the highest cards are equal then the second highest card is compared; if those are equal too, then the third highest card, and so on. For example K-J-9-3-2 beats K-J-7-6-5 because the nine beats the seven. If all five cards are equal, the flushes are equal.
Five cards of mixed suits in sequence - for example Q-J-10-9-8. When comparing two sequences, the one with the higher ranking top card is better. Ace can count high or low in a straight, but not both at once, so A-K-Q-J-10 and 5-4-3-2-A are valid straights, but 2-A-K-Q-J is not. 5-4-3-2-A, known as a wheel, is the lowest kind of straight, the top card being the five.
Three of a Kind
Three cards of the same rank plus two unequal cards. This combination is also known as Triplets or Trips. When comparing two threes of a kind the rank of the three equal cards determines which is higher. If the sets of three are of equal rank, then the higher of the two remaining cards in each hand are compared, and if those are equal, the lower odd card is compared. So for example 5-5-5-3-2 beats 4-4-4-K-5, which beats 4-4-4-Q-9, which beats 4-4-4-Q-8.
Two Pair
A pair consists of two cards of equal rank. In a hand with two pairs, the two pairs are of different ranks (otherwise you would have four of a kind), and there is an odd card to make the hand up to five cards. When comparing hands with two pairs, the hand with the highest pair wins, irrespective of the rank of the other cards - so J-J-2-2-4 beats 10-10-9-9-8 because the jacks beat the tens. If the higher pairs are equal, the lower pairs are compared, so that for example 8-8-6-6-3 beats 8-8-5-5-K. Finally, if both pairs are the same, the odd cards are compared, so Q-Q-5-5-8 beats Q-Q-5-5-4.
A hand with two cards of equal rank and three cards which are different from these and from each other. When comparing two such hands, the hand with the higher pair is better - so for example 6-6-4-3-2 beats 5-5-A-K-Q. If the pairs are equal, compare the highest ranking odd cards from each hand; if these are equal compare the second highest odd card, and if these are equal too compare the lowest odd cards. So J-J-A-9-3 beats J-J-A-8-7 because the 9 beats the 8.
High Card
Five cards which do not form any of the combinations listed above. This combination is often called High Card and sometimes No Pair. T cards must all be of different ranks, not consecutive, and contain at least two different suits. When comparing two such hands, the one with the better highest card wins. If the highest cards are equal the second cards are compared; if they are equal too the third cards are compared, and so on. So A-J-9-5-3 beats A-10-9-6-4 because the jack beats the ten.
3 Card Poker Hand Ranking
Below is the ranking of hands as used in the casino table game of Three Card Poker. Here are a few quick notes on the game:
Cards are drawn from a standard 52 card deck.
Rankings are listed from highest to lowest.
When a hand qualifies for two ranks the highest is used.
Suits are not used to break ties.
Straight Flush
Three cards in sequence of the same suit.
An Ace can count as either high or low - e.g. A K Q or 3 2 A
Ties are broken by the highest ranked card in the hand except 3 is used for a 3, 2, Ace straight flush.
Three of a Kind
Three cards of the same rank.
Ties are broken by the rank of the three cards.
Three cards in sequence.
Ties are broken by the highest ranked card in the hand except 3 is used for a 3, 2, Ace straight.
Three cards of the same suit.
Ties are broken by rank of the highest card, if still tied by the rank of the second highest card and if still tied by rank of the third highest card.
Two cards of the same rank and a third card of different rank.
Ties are broken by rank of the paired cards and if still tied by rank of the unpaired card.
High Hand
Three cards of different rank and suit, not in sequence - i.e. not any of the above ranked hands.
Ties are broken by rank of the highest card, if still tied by the rank of the second highest card and if still tied by rank of the third highest card.
Incomplete Hands
In some poker variants, such as No Peek, it is necessary to compare hands that have fewer than five cards. With fewer than five cards, you cannot have a straight, flush or full house. You can make a four of a kind or two pairs with only four cards, triplets with three cards, a pair with two cards and a "high card" hand with just one card.
The process of comparing first the combination and then the kickers in descending order is the same as when comparing five-card hands. In hands with unequal numbers of cards any kicker that is present in the hand beats a missing kicker. So for example 8-8-K beats 8-8-6-2 because the king beats the 6, but 8-8-6-2 beats 8-8-6 because a 2 is better than a missing fourth card. Similarly a 10 by itself beats 9-5, which beats 9-3-2, which beats 9-3, which beats a 9 by itself.
The ranking order of poker hands corresponds to their probability of occurring in straight poker, where five cards are dealt from a 52-card deck, with no wild cards and no opportunity to use extra cards to improve a hand. The rarer a hand the higher it ranks.
This is neither an essential nor an original feature of poker, and it ceases to be true when wild cards are introduced. In fact, with a large number of wild cards, it is almost inevitable that the higher hand types will be the commoner, not rarer, since wild cards will be used to help make the most valuable type of hand from the available cards.
In order to ensure the integrity of all games, no language in any form other than verbalized English may be used while game playing or observing play. We reserves the right to exclude anyone, whether a player or an observer, from the game or game area for violating this requirement.
Observers may not disclose, in any manner, any cards or hands being played
All seating and seat changes must go through us.
One player per hand.
Discussion regarding the hand in progress is not allowed. If questions, player may request a Playing of a Cause rep to help
Decision of Management is final.
Cards and Dice played like you're at your own table
Low Man Down
Also know as “Threes” or “Korean” or “Tripps”. This is a simple gambling game, played with five dice. A popular street game played makeshift in alleyways or living rooms.
Unlimited Players
5 Dice
Low Score Wins.
The Each player antes 100 points/4 chips into the pot and they then take it in turn throwing the dice starting with player to dealer’s left. The object of the game is to score the lowest total amount by adding up the spot values of all five set aside dice but counting 3s as zeroes.
Each player has up to five rolls of the dice, but must set at least one aside after each throw. Once a dice is set aside, it may not be rolled again.
The best possible score after all the dice have been set aside is 0 (3-3-3-3-3), but should any player roll 6-6-6-6-6 (“Shooting the Mood”), they win instantly with no further play.
If while rolling dice a dice rolls off of the table, the player pays a 100 point/4 chip penalty to pot.
Low Score wins.
In the event of equally low scores, all players ante an additional 100 points/4 chips into the pot and play again. All players start at 0 at the start of second round
6, 5, 4
A great family dice game that has a “qualifier” component and then high score
Unlimited Players
5 Dice
High Score Wins.
Each player antes 100 points/4 chips into the pot and they then take it in turn throwing the dice starting with player to dealer’s left. The object of the game is to score the highest total amount by adding up the spot values of two remaining dice after qualifying.
Each player has up to three rolls of the dice, but must roll a 6, 5 and 4 in that order to qualify. This can be done in one roll or three. One 6, 5 and 4 are rolled the remaining 2 dice are rolled trying to get highest score. Both dice must be rolled. Three roll maximum. If player does not roll 6, a 5, and a 4, a penalty of 25 points/1 chip is paid to pot immediately. If while rolling dice a dice rolls off of the table, the player pays a 100 point/4 chip penalty to pot.
The best possible score after all the dice have been set aside is 12 (6-5-4-6-6).
High Score wins.
In the event of equally high scores, all players ante an additional 100 points/4 chips into the pot and play again. All players start at 0 at the start of second round.
In Between
In Between, also known as Yablon, Ace-Deuce, or Between the Sheets. American casinos have recently begun to call it Red Dog. The goal of the game is to win as many chips as possible.
In Between is a game in which two cards are dealt face up, and the player bets on whether a third card will rank between the first two cards
Unlimited Players
Standard 52 Card Deck
Individual betting in play
The deal is done entirely in front to the dealer and begins after each player has anted 100 points/4 chips. After indicating whose turn, starting with the player on the dealer’s left, the dealer deals two cards face up leaving ample space between them. Dealer remains the same until the pot has been won and emptied. If the dealer has dealt all the cards in the deck and there is a pot remaining, the dealer shuffles the cards and then continues the deal with the next player.
When an Ace is dealt, the player chooses if that Ace is high or low. The second Ace is always high. The best spread in the game is a low Ace on the left and a high Ace on the right.
Starting with the player on the dealer's left the player may bet up to 100 points/4 chips on the first round.
After the dealer has had an opportunity to play, the dealer declares “The table is open”. Subsequent rounds players may bet up to 500 points/20 chips or any portion of the number of chips in the pot. When the player has placed a bet, the dealer turns up the top card from the pack and places it between the two cards already face up. If the card ranks between the two cards already face up, the player wins and takes the bet amount out of the pot and adds to his chip total. If the third card is not between the face-up cards, the player loses his bet, and it is added to the pot. If the third card is of the same rank as either of them, the player must pay a “double burn” (twice the bet). If the two face-up cards up are consecutive (a runner), the player cannot bet, the player’s neighbors pay a 25 point/1 chip penalty and a third card need not be turned up. If the two face-up cards are the same, the player may choose to split the cards for 50 points/2 chips. An additional face up card, is then revealed and the player can bet or pass on those two cards. The dealer then will deal an additional face up card, the player can bet or pass on those two cards. If during this play consecutive cards are dealt face up (a runner), the player will pay a 25 point/1 chip penalty into the pot.
Three rounds will be dealt at which time a joker will be added to the deck. The player who is dealt the joker will win the pot. The next game will start with all players anteing 100 points/4 chips. Player last dealt in regular game play will be the first player in next game.
Seven Card Stud
This has become one of the most popular forms of poker, both in formal play and in home poker where it is the basis of numerous variants. Each player is dealt a seven-card hand, 3 cards face down and 4 cards face up, with several betting rounds during the deal. At the showdown players use any five of their seven cards to make the best poker hand.
2-6 Players
Standard 52 Card Deck
Highest 5 Card Poker Hand Wins
A standard 52-pack is used and from 2 to 6 players can take part.
The sequence of events is as follows (as usual the cards are dealt clockwise one at a time):
All players place an ante in the pot.
Each player is dealt two cards face down and one face up. There is a betting round (third street).
Each player is dealt a fourth card face up. There is a second betting round (fourth street).
Each player is dealt a fifth card face up. There is a third betting round (fifth street).
Each player is dealt a sixth card face up. There is a fourth betting round (sixth street).
Each player is dealt one final card face down. There is a fifth betting round (seventh street).
Surviving players have four face up and three face down cards. They show their cards and whoever can make the best five-card hand from their seven cards wins the pot.
The concealed cards - the first, second and seventh card dealt to each player - are sometimes known as "hole" cards.
Each betting round is begun by the player with the best hand showing. For this purpose pairs, triplets, two pairs and quads count in their normal poker order - so for example with three cards showing 3-3-3 is higher than 7-7-8, which is higher than A-K-Q. Incomplete straights and flushes do not count. If there is a tie, the first person with the highest hand will begin betting.
1st – 4th betting rounds will open beginning with the player with the best hand showing and starts as high as 1 chip/25 points but can go up as high as 100 points in increments of no higher than 25 points and can be raised a maximum of 3 times. If everyone checks (passes) in this opening round of betting, the pot does not change. Otherwise, the pot increases by the sum of the bets for the round.
A final round of betting will open beginning with the player with the best hand showing The betting minimum and maximum allowed in the final betting round are double the amounts that were allowed in rounds 1 - 4 of betting rounds, 2 chips/50 points but can go up as high as 200 points in increments of no higher than 50 points and can be raised a maximum of 3 times.
After the last betting round is finished, all remaining active players reveal their cards. The best hand according to five card poker ranking rules wins.
High Spade in the Hole
This a variant of Seven Card Stud where the high spade in the “hole” (one of the 3 cards dealt face down) splits the pot with the high 5 card poker hand
2-6 Players
Standard 52 Card Deck
Highest 5 Card Poker Hand Wins
A standard 52-pack is used and from 2 to 6 players can take part.
The sequence of events is as follows (as usual the cards are dealt clockwise one at a time):
All players place an ante in the pot.
Each player is dealt two cards face down and one face up. There is a betting round (third street).
Each player is dealt a fourth card face up. There is a second betting round (fourth street).
Each player is dealt a fifth card face up. There is a third betting round (fifth street).
Each player is dealt a sixth card face up. There is a fourth betting round (sixth street).
Each player is dealt one final card face down. There is a fifth betting round (seventh street).
Surviving players have four face up and three face down cards. They show their cards and whoever can make the best five-card hand from their seven cards wins the pot.
The concealed cards - the first, second and seventh card dealt to each player - are sometimes known as "hole" cards.
Each betting round is begun by the player with the best hand showing. For this purpose pairs, triplets, two pairs and quads count in their normal poker order - so for example with three cards showing 3-3-3 is higher than 7-7-8, which is higher than A-K-Q. Incomplete straights and flushes do not count. If there is a tie, the first person with the highest hand will begin betting.
1st – 4th betting rounds will open beginning with the player with the best hand showing and starts as high as 1 chip/25 points but can go up as high as 100 points in increments of no higher than 25 points and can be raised a maximum of 3 times. If everyone checks (passes) in this opening round of betting, the pot does not change. Otherwise, the pot increases by the sum of the bets for the round.
A final round of betting will open beginning with the player with the best hand showing The betting minimum and maximum allowed in the final betting round are double the amounts that were allowed in rounds 1 - 4 of betting rounds, 2 chips/50 points but can go up as high as 200 points in increments of no higher than 50 points and can be raised a maximum of 3 times.
After the last betting round is finished, all remaining active players reveal their cards. The best hand according to five card poker ranking rules and the player with the high spade as one of their hole cards split the pot. If the pot does not divide evenly, the player with the high hand gets the remaining chip.
Left, Center, Right
This dice game is great for all ages making it a family favorite at holidays
Unlimited Players
3 Special Dice- 1-L, 1-R, 1-C
Last Surviving Player Wins
Each player places 3 stacks of 4 chips/100 points each - total of 300 points in front of them
After determining which player starts the game, the first player rolls the three dice. The number of L's, C"s, R's or DOTS rolled, dictates where the player's chips go. The number of L's rolled indicates the amount of chips to be passed to the player on the left. The number of R's rolled indicates the amount of chips to be passed to the player to the right. The number of C's rolled indicates the amount of chips to be placed in the center pot. The DOTS are neutral and players neither pass nor place ships in the pot for any DOTS rolled.
When a player has only 1 or 2 chips, he rolls only 1 or 2 dice. If a player has not ships, he is still in the game, but passes the dice to the net player.
The last player with chis must roll the dice and get a dot to win the center pot. If the player does not roll a dot on their last dice, the game starts over for all original players. On the 3rd round, the last player with chips is declared the winner and collects the center pot.
Two Card Guts with a Bump – 3s Wild
Guts is often played as an option in dealer's choice poker games, although it is not strictly speaking a
poker game.
4-10 Players
Standard 52 Card Deck
Highest 3 Card Poker Hand Wins
Two Card Guts with a Bump – 3s wild is played with 4 to 6 players. To open the game, everyone antes 1 chip/25 points into the pot. Once the pot is set, dealer deals the cards face down in a clockwise rotation, beginning with the player to the left, including one extra blind hand, one at a time until each player and blind has two cards. Players look at their cards deciding, but not declaring, if they will remain in the game.
Players declare simultaneously whether they are “in” or “out”. This is done by the players holding their
Cards face down over the table, and the dealer calling "1 - 2 - 3 - DROP". On the word "DROP" all those
who want to be “out” must drop their cards and the others still holding their hands are “in”. Players who
drop their hand cannot win the pot, but do not lose any extra money.
If everyone is “out”, the pot stays for the next hand and all players must contribute another ante –
1chip/25 points to it. Players who stay “in” reveal their hands. The blind hand is also revealed. All
players who are still “in” and the blind hand, will be dealt an extra (bump) card.
After bump card is dealt, the best hand, per three card poker ranking rules, wins. Straight Flush, 3 of a
Kind, Straight, Flush, Pair, High Card
Players who stayed "in" but did not have the highest hand and beat the blind hand must each pay
4 chips/100 points. These payments form the pot for the next deal. All players who started the game
are included in the new deal even if they dropped their cards on the previous round. If two or more
players tie for best hand or tie for best hand with the blind hand all “in” players pay 4 chips/100 points to
the pot (one tie all tie).
Game ends when one player stays “in” and beats the blind hand.
Pie Face Challenge
With the rise in popularity of this game, we couldn’t resist in adding this to our game line up
Unlimited Players
Pie Face game
Whipped Cream or Wet Sponge
Each player places 4 chips/100 points ante in center pot. Play starts with the either the dealer or the player to dealer’s left – dealer’s choice. Dealer refers to the person who chooses to play this game.
On player’s turn, the player places their face in the appropriate space and turns the crank one click. If the hand triggers, they win the pot and the game is over. If the hand does not trigger, they get their ante from the pot and passes the game to the next player. A player may choose to pass. In that case, that player must re-ante 4 chips/100 points to pot. Game continues until all players has had a chance to play. If at any time during the first round the pot is won, all players re-ante 4 chip/100 points
The player triggering the hand wins the center pot.
3,000 ZILCH
Unlimited Players
6 Dice
High Score Wins.
Each player antes 100 points/4 chips into the pot. They then take turns throwing the dice starting with player to dealer’s left. The object of the game is to score the highest total amount.
First player rolls of the dice, and must score with each throw. Once a dice is set aside, it may not be rolled again. Each player must “get on the board” by rolling a score of 500 or more. After the player is on the board, they player may stop his turn at any time. If all dice are score dice the player may decide to stop or continue the turn by rolling all six dice. If at any time the player decides to continue turn and no scoring dice are rolled, the player loses all points for that turn ZILCH
Each 1 that you roll gives you 100 points
Each 5 that you roll gives you 50 points
A 3 of a kind gives you 100 times the number, for example three 4s gives you 400 points and three
2s gives you 200 points
3,000 Zilch dice game is a points game. In other words, you keep playing until someone reaches a certain points – 3,000. When a player gets over 3,000 points, they have qualified and may continue to roll scoring dice to get a high score. The player then calls the game. All the other players have one more chance to roll again and add that to their total points. Whoever has the highest total points after that is the winner!